Registration is open until June 30th or until we hit max capacity. Don't wait to register if you plan to play! We are opening registration early again this year so we can better plan for the amount of coaches and equipment we will need as we had record enrollment again in 2023. We put a huge effort in this process as we had to turn families away in 2022. Thanks to the past fundraising efforts we should be able to increase player capacity to almost 300 participants for 2024.
Registration is open from May 1st until June 30th
Registration works best on a computer; avoid registering via smart phone if possible.
Traverse City students currently in Grades 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th may register (those that will be in Grades 3-6 in Fall 2024). 7th and 8th Graders do not sign up through our organization; they should sign up via their middle school.
Take a photo or scan of your child’s Birth Certificate (must be high resolution and show all four corners of the document)
Child’s current T-shirt Size
Child’s current weight
Measure tape or string and ruler to measure head circumference and height in inches (measure across forehead and just above ears)
Credit Card for the $175 season registration fee. 2024 Player Fee is $175 per participant for an 11-week/7-game season (scholarships considered upon request on a case by case basis, please contact for consideration). The $175 registration fee does not cover all costs for the season. Families are expected to participate in TCYFA fundraising efforts each year.
Other registration notes:
3rd/4th Grade Pee Wee players will be placed on teams with other players from their elementary school (Glads, Titans, Trojans) whenever possible.
5th/6th Grade Juniors players will be placed on Glads, Titans or Trojans teams based on the school they attend and their residence address. When more than one Glads, Titans, Trojans team exists, the board and coaches will hold an informal ‘draft’ to place players and balance teams. Balancing skill and number of players per team will take priority over friend/coach requests.
Registrations are only accepted online. The process should be simple, but if you need accommodation, please contact the Board President at
PLEASE SAVE & WRITE DOWN THE USERNAME/EMAIL/PASSWORD you use for this registration. You will need it in August to access the SportsEngine app or SE website for schedules or to add additional contacts.
It is recommended returning families login using their existing SportsEngine profile to register for the current season (there is a password recovery feature)
Immediately after completing your online registration you will receive a confirmation email from “Traverse City Youth Football Association Online Store Receipt”. If you do not receive this email within 2 hours, check your spam/junk folder. If not received, your registration was not completed correctly and your player is NOT REGISTERED. In this situation registration should be redone or contact us for further assistance.
Online registrations are processed securely using a credit card and are paid directly to TCYFA. Upon conclusion of this registration session, you will see a charge on this account from Traverse City Youth.
TCYFA will always work directly with families when circumstances change and refunds are needed prior to August 8th (credit card processing fees will not be refunded). At checkout, Sports Engine also offers a "PROTECT YOUR REGISTRATION FEE INVESTMENT from REGSAVER" for an additional fee. Please understand this is in no way required and if you do choose to use this service, refunds are worked out directly between you and the third party company (Regsaver).
Schedule a 2024 Physical for your child. Every player must have a physical completed in the year 2024 (preferably after April 15th) and documented on the 2024 Physical and Medical History Form PW. Players will turn in a signed HARD COPY of the two page physical form to their coach at the start of practice in August. Additionally, we have chosen to use the MHSAA Sports Physical Waiver for 2024 as it is also accepted by our local school sports. So, make a copy for your schools!
Purchase a mouth guard that straps to a face mask
Find appropriate football cleats for the 2024 season
TCYFA provides each player the use of approximately $400+ of up to date equipment for the season (helmet, chin strap, shoulder pads, practice pants and uniforms).Each player is required to attend a mandatory equipment fitting in August to ensure the proper fitting. TCYFA has also purchased $1,000s of safe tackling and drill equipment for practices as well.
Download & install the SportsEngine app, then LOG IN to the app using the same credentials from this registration.
Interested in being a sponsor? These all-new amazing sponsorship levels will be available for purchase at checkout of this years registration or email us at
FIRST DOWN - $250+
Name of company or company website on all TCYFL digital communication platforms with link to company website.
Sponsor name displayed on programs.
Commemorative sponsorship plaque.
Name of company or company website on all TCYFL digital communication platforms with link to company website.
Sponsor name displayed on programs.
TOUCH DOWN - $1,000+
Company/Individual name and/or logo on a large individual Sponsorship Flag to be displayed at all TCYFL home games. The BEST part is these flags will be ran out by our players before each home game!!! There are 4 home events that have 5 to 6 games.
Logo/Name to be displayed on the digital scoreboard at all TCYFA games hosted at Thirlby field
Commemorative sponsorship plaque.
Name of company or company website on all TCYFL digital communication platforms with link to company website.
Sponsor name displayed on programs.
You will be our event sponsor for one of our four home events! Each home event will have 5 to 6 games and will be hosted at Thirlby field, Central high or West High. Your company will also be able to be on sight, greet the spectators and be a part of the day! Bring a tent, hand out flyers or your company swag, grill hotdogs, etc.! We will also be doing many announcements throughout the day that these games are sponsored by (insert your company!”
Company/Individual name and/or logo on a large individual Sponsorship Flag to be displayed at all TCYFL home games. The BEST part is these flags will be ran out by our players before each home game!!! There are 4 home events that have 5 to 6 games.
Signed team jersey for place of business.
Logo/Name to be displayed on the digital scoreboard at all TCYFA games hosted at Thirlby field
Commemorative sponsorship plaque.
Name of company or company website on all TCYFL digital communication platforms with link to company website.
Sponsor name displayed on programs.
Registration; open May 1st until full (300 max)
August TBD - equipment fitting and pick up (all Gladiators)
August TBD - equipment fitting and pick up (all Trojan teams)
August TBD - equipment fitting and pick up (all Titans teams)
August 12 - optional practice & conditioning week
August 19 - mandatory practice & conditioning week
August TBD - Team Picture Day (location and time TBD)
August 26 - regular practice week
September 2 - *regular practice week (game the following Saturday)
September 7 - Game 1
September 14 - Game 2
September 21 - Game 3
September 28 - Game 4
October 5 - Game 5
October 12 - Game 6
October 19 - Game 7 / Jamboree
Equipment turn in - TBD
Traverse City Youth Football Association is a 501c3 non-profit managed by a Board of parent volunteers to provide a fun, safe and positive tackle football experience for students in Traverse City that isn’t able to be provided by our schools in these grade levels. TCYFA is not governed by the Grand Traverse Bay YMCA, LEAP, TCAPS or GTACS.